Eamon Hale - Transforming and Revitalising RSL Victoria
What am I going to do as a leader in RSL Victoria?
We must adopt modern practices and embrace innovative technologies. This means upgrading our systems, our constitution, our communications, and our practices. It means incorporating digital tools like online membership cards, and creating a seamless, user-friendly experience for veterans. This is multi-domain, catering to all generations of veterans. It also means identifying what doesn't work, where gaps and inefficiencies are, and resolving them.
Keeping our community connected and engaged is my priority. I propose we enhance communication channels, engage with members for feedback, organise regular events that cater to a broader group of veterans, create member communication portals that work for all generations, and build a stronger, more inclusive community where every voice is heard and valued. I want to create forums and online groups for veteran discussion, collaborate with others, and understand the needs and issues across the veteran community. I want to hear from veterans across the entire state. They all matter.
To sustain and strengthen our community, we need a robust strategy to grow our membership base. This involves creating a welcoming and inclusive environment, reaching out to younger generations and offering them a strong value proposition, including more educational and professional development opportunities, implementing regular feedback loops to address members concerns, and ensuring we advocate and lobby publicly for all veterans in Victoria. We need to attract new members through targeted marketing campaigns, highlighting success stories and the benefits of membership, having honest conversations, and show veterans why joining the RSL is worth it.
My Priorities
A Focus on Veterans
The Royal Commission into Defence and Veterans Suicide, changes to legislation around veteran entitlements, and other challenges within the ADF mean that there are big changes coming for the veteran community.
These changes require active leadership to grasp the opportunities in improving health, wellbeing, and entitlements for veterans and serving members through dynamic advocacy and lobbying of state and federal government.
My advocacy will be holistic; encompassing veterans of all ages, backgrounds, and service, to ensure that no one is overlooked. I am dedicated to protecting veterans’ entitlements and advocating for legislative improvements. I want to ensure that this is done not behind closed doors, but openly.
I aim to see the RSL fulfil its mandate as a strong advocate on veteran issues and to lead the veteran community.
My views on this are transparent and can be found through multiple contributions to Australian Veteran News.
I will be overt with my veteran focus.
This includes:
The implementation of the recommendations of the Royal Commission into Defence and Veteran Suicide,
Lobbying government to ensure no veteran will be worse off as a result of the harmonisation of veteran legislation (VEA, MRCA, SRCA, DRCA, into the new MRCA),
Ensuring RSL Victoria is an organisation that is inclusive and welcoming to all veterans,
Service delivery focused on “Hand Ups” and empowering veterans, not “Hand Outs”, and,
Striving to make RSL Victoria the premier ESO in the country that is focused on veterans and their families.
Membership Growth, not decline
In 2010, RSL Victoria had approx. 33,000 Service members and 294 Sub-Branches. Only 14 years later, in 2024 RSL Victoria has approx. 23,000 Service members, and 261 Sub-Branches.
In Victoria, we have more than 100,000 veterans who are eligible for membership.
It’s clear that things need to change.
With only 1 in 4 choosing to be part of RSL Victoria, I believe that RSL Victoria must improve our recruiting and retaining of veterans. We must show a strong value proposition and fight for those who’ve fought for us.
By demonstrating a strong voice, by lobbying publicly, by standing up for those who’ve served this nation, and by emulating what the RSL did 100 years ago, I believe we can grow service membership and bring veterans back to the RSL.
We must show veterans that the RSL deserves them.
I will seek to significantly grow our service membership within 3 years by:
Pursuing an online membership portal and developing a membership app that simplifies joining and accessing RSL benefits, communication, and resources, that reduces barriers to joining, and also takes the burden off our hardworking volunteers.
Demonstrate a strong value proposition and offer to potential service members through strong advocacy and public representation.
Focus the organisation on the grassroots, meaning all of Victoria, and encourage new leaders to step up.
Openness and Transparency
RSL Victoria is a membership based service organisation that was created to lobby for better conditions, welfare, and benefits for veterans.
Yet in 2024, only 102 sub-branches out of 263 chose to take part in the State Conference. Thats just 38% of sub-branches who see the value in taking part in the most important event in the RSL calender. It’s clear that the current model isn’t working.
Nothing the RSL does should occur behind closed doors or be hidden from our members.
I believe that transparency is critical to rebuilding trust deficit between state branch, the Sub-Branch network, and veterans.
I want every veteran to feel that the RSL belongs to them and is there for them.
I will encourage ownership of the league by all Service members, by:
Reducing barriers for veterans across Victoria to have their views heard.
Releasing minutes for State Executive meetings so members can see what their elected representatives are doing.
Building trust through open and honest communication across state, sub-branch, and veterans in a honest and timely manner.
Encouraging debate and discussion on league matters and veteran issues. All veterans deserve a say.
Encouraging activities, meetings, and events to be held at times that are accessible to all veterans who volunteer within RSL Victoria.
I am a leader in the Veteran Community
It’s time for the generation who served in Iraq and Afghanistan to step up. Veterans like me.
Having served the majority of my 20 year career in the full-time army, I continue to serve in the Reserves, and understand the challenges our men and women face across the ADF.
I’ve transitioned from leadership in the ADF to leadership in the RSL. This includes serving on various RSL Victoria Committees, such as the Royal Commission Working Group, and the Electoral Reform Advisory Group.
With experience as a sub-branch President, Vice-President, and Committee member, I bring a proven track record to the table. I understand operations of the RSL at a very high level.
This is helped by my strong relationships with other RSL State Presidents, as well as politicians at state and national level. These relationships allow me engage and collaborate in areas there has been reluctance previously.
Through extensive travel, I understand the challenges faced not only by metropolitan RSLs but also by the often forgotten RSLs in country Victoria. This helps me understand what is critical for us to not just survive but thrive.
Working together, we can make the RSL great again.
When elected, my top priority will be rebuilding trust between Sub-branches and State branch through fostering stronger relationships, supporting all Sub-Branches equally, actively listening to veterans across the state, and addressing their issues and concerns.
Ultimately, my commitment to you is simple:
I will represent, work, and publicly advocate for all veterans, to make our league the best it can be.
My phone number is 0432 242 572 and my email is Eamhale@gmail.com. Let’s discuss what is important to your and your Sub-Branch.